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All applications for admission should be addressed to the Principal so as to reach him in the month of June or July of the year before which admission is sought and should have appended a stamped, addressed envelope for reply. Applications for admission received after 31 July will not be entertained. No system of registration a year or more in advance is in existence in this College.
Selection Tests for only the two new Classes admitted each year are normally taken: Class 1, (Day Scholars only) and Class 3 (Boarders) In the event of vacancies which occur from time to time because of unforeseen withdrawals, the principal may, at his discretion admit new students on the basis of their academic performance in other schools and their performance in a selection test which may be conducted by the school.
Initial admission is valid only upto class X. For class XI one is required to seek fresh admission, which is selective and subject to the discretion of Admission Committee.
The date of birth of child for Class 1 should be above 5 years and 6 months in the month of 31st March 2022. Those who are below 5 years and 6 months will not be admitted in Class 1.
The Principal is empowered to admit, or refuse admission to, any pupil at his discretion and to request the withdrawal of any pupil either in the interests of the College or in the pupil’s own interests.
When a student, who has been selected for admission and on whose behalf all dues associated there with have been remitted, is withdrawn before the date of reopening, or without notice and permission fails to arrive within three days thereof, he forfeits his right to admission as well as all dues remitted on his behalf.
Seeking admission through the intervention or persons of influence or through other sources know or believed to be on friendly terms with members of the College Staff or Management, is a futile exercise which prejudices rather than enhances the candidate’s prospects of admission.
Boys are not admitted to class IX or to class X. Boys should not be sent to College with expensive watches, cameras, mobile phones or other expensive articles. The College authorities will not be responsible if parents ignore this advice.
No boy will be admitted without his Birth Registration Certificate, in original, his Transfer Certificate from the last school attended by him and his Baptism Certificate, when applicable. Should a prospective candidate fail to produce these documents as and when required, his admission shall be refused and all fees deposited on account thereof shall not be refundable.
A student’s name and date of birth, as recorded on the official documents noted in (g) above are official and legal and will not be changed subsequently by the College Authority.
should real necessity, such as illness, detain a student on or after the official date of opening, previous arrangements will have to be made with the principal so that the boy’s place may be secured.
Pupils are required to be present in College for the full academic year. Vacancies will not be reserved for latecomers. Neither will leave be granted before the official closing date. No reduction in fees will be made for any period or periods of absence during the year.
A student is eligible for admission as a Day scholar only when his parents are bona fide residents of the town of Nainital or its immediate environs. Students residing locally with relatives or boarding with friends are not eligible for admission. They may be accepted for admission, however, only when the Principal is satisfied that arrangements for their proper care and discipline are fully satisfactory and when a written guarantee to that effect is given to him by the parents.
Completion of Class X from the school does not entitle the student to automatic acceptance into Class XI. The School Administration reserves the right of admission. Only those candidates who are found to be suitable as per the school criteria will be granted admission on the discretion of the School Administration through the Admission Committee.
Students who are accepted in the boarding are given enrollment in the school exclusively because of their status as boarders. Any student who discontinues from the boarding will simultaneously forfeit their enrollment in the school and will not be accepted as day scholars.
Initial Admission Validity: Admission up to Class X doesn't guarantee automatic acceptance into Class XI. Fresh admission is required for Class XI, which is selective and subject to the discretion of the Admission Committee.
Admission Criteria: Completion of Class X from the school doesn't automatically grant admission into Class XI. The school administration reserves the right to admit students. Only candidates meeting the school's criteria will be considered for admission, as determined by the Admission Committee.
Promotion Criteria: Promotion from Class XI to Class XII is based on the cumulative achievement level throughout the academic year in the registered subjects. A student needs a minimum of 35% marks in at least four subjects, including English, based on cumulative averages. Additionally, a minimum attendance of 75% of working days is required for promotion.
Promotion Mechanism: Promotions from Class XI to XII won't be based on trial basis, re-examination, or grace marks. The Council doesn't accept such practices. A Transfer Certificate shouldn't be issued with "Promoted to Class XII" unless the candidate meets the promotion criteria.
Provisional Admission: Since Class X results are announced later, provisional admission to Class 11 can be granted based on pre-board exam or entrance exam results, provided the student passes Class 10. If a student doesn't pass Class 10, their provisional admission will be revoked once the board exam results are declared.