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Fees Rules
The fees do not include charges for text-books stationary, extra diet, shoe repairs, breakages, club membership, specially prescribed medicines, tonics and other charges of a similar nature. The Actual cost of these, when incurred, will be included in the terminal bills.
All payments for boarders must be made by demand draft direct to Punjab National Bank, Nainital. a/c St. Joseph’s College, Nainital, under intimation to the Principal. Please note that money orders cheques, cash demand drafts and all other forms of payment sent directly to the Principal will be returned to the sender be Registered Mail, A.D. at the sender’s expense.
Boarders are required to pay their annual fees either in one installment for the whole year, payable by 15 March or in two equal installments, the first payable by 15 March the second by 15 June.
Bills will be issued in mid-October and in the final week of November. The October bill will include (i) a statement of all expenses incurred till the end of September (ii) a statement of all payments made by parents till the end of September (iii) remaining dues. These dues must be cleared by the end of October, failing which, pupils may not be allowed to appear for the final examinations in mid-November. The November bill will contain details of any other expenses (Variable extras) which may have occurred in October. These must be cleared by the end of November failing which the pupil’s annual report card will be withheld.
Day-Scholars are required to pay annual fees either in one installment for the whole year, payable by the 15 March, or in two equal installments, payable by the 15th of March, and second by 1st of June.
For fee remittance, each Day-Scholar is provided with a specially numbered College Bill Book, which must be filled in triplicate when fees are being remitted and them handed into the Bank cashier. Of the three receipts for each fee remittance, one is retained by the Bank, the second is sent by our bankers to the College Office and the third is retained by the parents.
If parents of either boarders of Day-Scholars fall into arrears by more than one month in remitting due installments, a penalty of 10% of the amount due will be levied. The persistent irregularity of a parent in remitting his son’s dues may lead to the compulsory withdrawal of the student concerned.
No student will be allowed to return to College after the winter vacation unless his account for the previous year has been settled in full.
Should a boarder be withdrawn from the College on any date up to and including 31st August, three months’ notice is required or, in default, three month’s boarding fees and three monthly Installment of tuition fees shall be charged. On and after September 1, in the event of the withdrawal of a boarders, with or without notice, boarding fees and tuition fees for the full year shall be charged.