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Co-Curricular Activities
The College has six spacious playgrounds on which all of the major games are played tournaments and inter class as well as inter-house matches are played on all but one of the fields: that reserved for the smallest boys. Hence every boy has ample opportunity to develop all the qualities which school games, when played in a sporting spirit, are intended to bring forth.
All boarders are obliged to participate to the full extent of their ability in the games and other outdoor activities organised by the College as well as in its academic, social and cultural life. exemption from such activities as games, gymnastics, swimming and athleticism is given but rarely, and then only on medical grounds under certification from the student's family doctor and that of the medical officers of the College, day scholars must attend games and other activities outside school hours when required to do so and participation, in such circumstances will be deemed compulsory by the school authorities.
Opportunities for participation in cultural activities as extempore speaking, declamation, debating, dramatics, interclass, verse-speaking and elocution contest, as well as vocal and instrumental music soirees, are provided for all students, both Day-Scholars and boarders. Participation in these activities enhances their self confidence, intensifies the bonds of union between residential and non residential students and contributes effectively to the formation of that sense of maturity and breadth of vision, which have been characteristics of our alumni over the ten decades and more that our College has been in existence.
All students are taught how to swim as part of their regular physical training course. They are however, forbidden to enter swimming pool unless accompanied by one of the swimming coaches or a deputed member of the staff.
Curriculum and Examinations:
English is the medium of instruction and examination in this institution which is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi. Boys are prepared for the “Indian Certificate of Secondary Education” Examination.
The school year extends from March to November and is divided into two terms, ending in June and November.
For promotion to the next higher class a student must attain the standard required by the College authorities in the aggregate in all subjects. Boys will. On no account, be promoted conditionally, on trial or given a further examination on the reopening of the College in March. Promotion from class IX to X will be based on the requirements of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination for the award of a pass certificate in the Council examination. A boy who fails to achieve the pass standard in the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination will not be readmitted to the new class ten in the College, either as a boarder or a day scholar.
The School does not undertake to make special arrangements for those absent from either of these examinations.
The results of the First Term Examination and periodic tests are sent to parents for their scrutiny, signature and return to the School Office, while the Final Report Card is retained by the parents.
In the primary school (Class 1 – 5) the child is judge on a system of periodic test and the teachers’ evaluation of regular work. Promotion is automatic and a child will only be detained in consultation with his parents if it is felt that he will definitely benefit by repeating the class. The emphasis here is not so much on facts to be stored but on the child’s experiences and activities as he is exposed to the wonderful world God has prepared for him, and gradually encouraged to respond to it.